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Man bumps into another man by mistake and ends up slitting his throat
Uploaded On:Monday 26th of December 2022
The victim was identified as Silvia Juliana Villamizar Sequeda, 24, and was found lying on a commercial establishment with injuries caused by a knife. According to the information provided by the National Police, the emergency occurred in the pink zone when they were enjoying a party. Everything indicates that the crime was caused in the midst of an act of intolerance. Witnesses reported that the alleged perpetrator stabbed Villamizar Sequeda several times and then ran out of the pink zone. At that moment, the injured woman was taken to the town's medical center where she later died. "Yesterday in Giron in a fight between two women, one of them was murdered, as a product of intolerance, today a family mourns their deceased mother and daughter and another family mourns their captured daughter or mother," said the president.