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Robber is killed after attempting to rob 3 off duty police officers in Brazil
Uploaded On:Friday 26th of May 2023
A shooting scared residents and people passing by the Montese neighborhood , in Fortaleza, last Tuesday afternoon (23). Two suspects (a man and a teenager) tried to rob civil police officers, who reacted. There was an exchange of shots, and the pair ended up captured. The Ceará Civil Police ( PC-CE ) confirmed, in a note, that "it captured an adult and a teenager suspected of attempted robbery against three civil police officers". “At the time, two inspectors and a clerk were on duty in an unmarked car when they were approached by three people who were in a cloned vehicle. A man identified as Francisco Wollison Araújo Silva, 33, was arrested in the act and charged with the crimes of attempted robbery, corruption of minors and reception. He already had passages by the Police for the crimes of vehicle theft, drug trafficking and receiving.