The Perm city police department commented on the attack on a pensioner in an elevator in one of the buildings on Motorostroiteley Street. The incident occurred on July 29 at about noon. The incident was recorded by a surveillance camera in the entrance. Later, the footage was posted on city public pages.
In the video, a middle-aged man catches up with an elderly man with a string bag on the first floor, hits him, causing him to fall, starts kicking him, and then takes the bag of groceries from the pensioner and leaves.
The police said that the victim was a local resident born in 1940. He contacted law enforcement himself. An investigative task force was immediately sent to the scene.
" The police detained the attacker, born in 1968, and took him to the police station. At present, the police are conducting an investigation into this incident, clarifying all the circumstances of the incident. Based on the results of the investigation, a procedural decision will be made ," the Ministry of Internal Affairs commented.
The townspeople are outraged by the actions of the detainee. In the comments, they call for the criminal to be severely punished and offer their help to the victim.