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Man shot by police while chasing ex girlfriend to kill her in Argentina
Uploaded On:Friday 7th of July 2023
The Police of the City of Buenos Aires succeeded avoid a femicide in broad daylight on the streets of the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Saavedra. Juan Alberto Reina, a 39-year-old trainer staff, chased his ex-partner to kill her but the police managed to intervene on time and shot the man down. The attacker was hospitalized with gunshot wounds to the leg and shoulder. The event occurred this Thursday after 11:30 and the area was registered by a security camera. In it you can see that the young woman is walking down the street while a man chases her up close. Seconds later, a patrol car is seen arriving and two shots are heard. Sources of the case reported that the attacker threw the victim twice but did not hit him. At that moment, the agents fired two shoots to repel him.